Peter Blauvelt
Composer & Pianist
Peter Blauvelt's music is contemporary sounding, but in the classical tradition -- with occasional forays into the avantgarde, meditative and more traditional classical music. Individual pieces tend to be fairly well structured, but don't necessarily follow textbook rules, or those of serialism. Extended techniques are often used. Also, individual pieces are meant |
to communicate multi-dimensional non-verbal messages, ranging from the humorous to the serious, the light-hearted to the intense. The compositions always take performers and audiences into consideration. The music also never denies its European roots that range from French to Russian music, in addition to American music. |
Peter Blauvelt was born in
Teachers - in alphabetical order:
Composition: Gerhard Frommel, Earl Kim, Leon Kirchner, Fred Lerdahl, Hermann Schaefer and
Ivan Tcherepnin Piano: Christoph Back, Erwin Schmieder and Harriet Shirvan Chamber Music: Robert Koff |
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Peter Blauvelt
CD's can be purchased at,, or
If you have any comments, please feel free to send me your message at the above address.
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For information on other composers and new music organizations, check out the Society of Composers, Inc., the Southeastern Composers League, NACUSA, the SUNME and NewHoo!
� 2001-2009, Bj�rn Andr�n, ANDR�N & KNAPP and Peter Blauvelt |